Monday, May 21, 2007

CR NEWS REPORTS ... Reporting the "News Before It Happens"

Channeled Readings tm


Reporting the
"News Before It Happens"
in our monthly publication ... CR News Reports subscription . . .

Why read about the News after it happens when you can get the 'News Before It Happens' . . .
Channeled Readings™ CR News Reports©
The Human Race is on the verge of a consciousness shift. The chaos and uncertainty that these changes will bring can be mitigated by providing a 'look-forward'. Channeled Readings™ services provide this unbiased 'look forward' into the immediate and distant future. This look forward enables individuals and businesses to make better informed decisions today. By reading the CR News Reports© you can make better investments, anticipate the outcome of economic and political changes, develop better timing and positioning, gain a better understand of your emotions and apply intuition, foresee technological advances, assist with better job and business opportunities, understand the future of crime and the real meaning of sports, and prepare for weather, earth, and environmental changes.
Better Information, Better Decisions ... Channeled Readings, tm
Headlines to this month's CR News Reports(c) ... FREE access.

Channeled Readings, tm, uses Ask The Universal Channel, tm, talking board exclusively to do all of the channeled readings for their clients, and all of the channeled information in their CR NEWS REPORTS(c), reporting the "News Before It Happens."

Go to CR Greatest Hits(c) to see our track record



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1 comment:

Ray Holley said...

I'm Ray Holley, Co-Partner and Medium with Channeled Readings - co-publisher of CR News Reports subscription service reporting the "News Before It Happens." CR News Reports covers more than a dozen topics of interest spanning World Events, the Economy, Terrorism, the Stock Market, Technology, the Environment, Personal Development, Politics, and other topics of interest. Knowing what's happening in our world before it happens allows you to understand your life and be better prepared. Your life will get better for you when you get better information!